Limiting Beliefs

Limiting Beliefs

September 16, 20243 min read

Let's consider how we started with all these limiting beliefs and I do say they are limiting beliefs. When we were first born we were Born Rich, we had to learn all about our own body and the world we would live in.

If you watch a tiny baby as they start to discover their own body, they would stare at their fingers and then maybe put them in their mouth. Sometimes they would cry if they bit down on the fingers because it would cause pain.

Then when they find their feet the same would happen and another cry of pain to discover that it was connected to them. It doesn't take too long before they stop doing those things because the consequence isn't nice.

This all sounds rather cute and sweet, but if you think about it, how we learn everything else is by watching and imitating others like Mum and Dad. Have you heard parents say to be careful what you say around little Johnny or they will be saying the same.

This is how they learn and grow with families' behavior, school, church, and the government of the day. All the rules of society around them help to create their behavior.

Now of course they only know what they are taught and when a child is brought into the world the parents love them and treat them just how they were treated when they were young.

Although from my own experiences, there were aspects of my childhood that I didn't want my children to experience so I made sure that wasn't available to them. No parent wants to harm their children but we behave in the only way we know which is from our own upbringing.

This was an eye-opener when I learned this.

My mother loved us all but some of her own limiting beliefs were passed onto us some of which were…

1 Money doesn't grow on trees...

2 Who do you think you are.....

3 Speak when spoken to...

4 You will never be able to do that...

5 Don’t get too big for your boots…..

I'm sure you can relate to some of these. Now don't get me wrong my mother stood up for us and was always there to protect us and make sure we were fed and clothed and had a good education, she gave us the best of what she had with the skills that she was provided with.

I sure miss my mum and would love to have such conversations with her about this revelation I discovered about her and also me.

“So your mind will accept whatever you tell it, whether it's a lie or the truth.”

This took me some time to come to terms with.

As I grew and discovered personal development, I soon realized that some of those limiting beliefs were not serving me. I spent many years discovering the difference and now I can see what I don't want to believe now and make changes to how I behave. You can too.

Till next time

Coach Judy

Mindset Coach and Mentor to Senior Women creating passive income online with Affiliate Marketing.

Coach Judy

Mindset Coach and Mentor to Senior Women creating passive income online with Affiliate Marketing.

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